
Upcoming Events...

Upcoming Events

This is a more specific breakdown of our scheduled activities as mentioned on the ‘Calendar’ page. The same is also routinely distributed to all our Commission Mobilisers round the world.

  • Due to unavoidable circumstances sometimes, a few details may be changed, activities re-scheduled, postponed or cancelled; the good news is we will always endeavor to communicate to you in time and all monies paid depending on the activity may be fully refunded.

  • We encourage our clients to please pay directly at our office and be issued a receipt or any other arrangement as agreed via e-mail or other communication. 
  • For those who prefer to pay directly to our Commission Mobilisers do so at their own risk and thus Dhahabu! will not be responsible for any losses that may arise.

2014 DECEMBER  Dhahabu! Calendar Bits
FEE (Ugx)
Saturday December
The Dhahabu Speech Contest
'If Today Was My Last Day'
Dhahabu office
Start @9:00 a.m.
8,000 (Cash prizes)
Thursday December
4th,11th ,18th
An African Evening
Dhahabu office
Start @4:00 p.m.
Friday December
General Club Meeting
Dhahabu office
Start @3:00 p.m.
15,000 (membership)
Saturday December
13th and 20th
Effective Entrepreneurship
Effective Leadership
Dhahabu office
Start @ 2p.m to 4p.m.
25,000 (Certificates)
Friday December
5th  and 12th
Public Lecture
 Demistifying Unemployment
Dhahabu office
Start @ 1p.m to 3p.m.


1.       The Speech Contest:

All our contests are open to the general public. The topic given above is meant for participants to prepare and deliver a reflective, inspirational speech each within 5 minutes before a panel of adjudicators after which the best 5 receive cash prizes and certificates.

2.      An African Evening:

This is a time when people come together to relax, network, enjoy refreshments while sharing stories, listening to music, sharing poems, and more from each other.

3.       General Club Meeting:

Each club has its meeting periods within the month, however, one meeting is organized within the month where all clubs meet as one to share and deliberate on issues of common interest.

4.      Workshop/ Seminar:

These are topical or/ and thematic and conducted every month. They are open to the general public, are a maximum of 2 hours, highly participatory and certificates of attendance are awarded. They are aimed at providing continued professional development and encouraging continuous self awareness and personal development among attendees.

5.      Public Lecture/s:

These are topical or/ and thematic and conducted very month at various venues. The issues covered are broad in nature and intended to address a wider audience especially to publics in institutions of higher learning and those in the job-sector/ labor market.

Jesus Loves You!

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